Forecast. Insight. Optimise.

Financial Modelling

Financial Modelling and Forecasting

Make evidence-based decisions. Mapping your business drivers and creating a model of your operations is critical to understand the impact of your decisions.

Contact us

Core Financial Modelling Capabilities

We develop best practice financial models for forecasting and investment analysis with in-built scenario analysis functionality.

Business Drivers

We help define and assess your unique business processes to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of your business performance while ensuring that management focus is targeted on the key success factors.

Financial Model Development

We help you to accurately model your business to assess your past performance and forecast and optimise your future. We leverage our best practice financial model development experience and tools such as Excel to allow you to truly understand your business.

Scenario Analysis

A key risk management tool is the ability to stress test the business under different future operating scenarios. Our in-build scenario handler enables different combinations of key assumptions and the ability to capture and compare scenarios to understand the impact across the business.

How we can help

Business Driver Trees

A financial model should always begin with a critical assessment of the key drivers of your business. We help you to map the drivers of volume, revenue, costs, and other elements to ensure the model accurately reflects your industry and business.

Budget & Forecasting

A robust integrated financial model is a core tool for your budgeting and planning process. We will work with you develop your forecasting model, often integrating historic data to provide a rolling actual-forecast with 3-way financial statements.

Operations Modelling

A well structured and dynamic financial model can provide a powerful tool for understanding and optimising your operations. We can develop tools to help you with predicting demand, supply chain optimisation, resourcing, and portfolio management.

Investment Modelling

A critical element of any large investment decision is a detailed model to understand the range of potential financial outcomes. Asset and funding modelling are core modules and the risk-weighted returns for stakeholders including NPV and IRR are key outputs.

Scenario Analysis

The real benefit of developing an integrated financial model is the ability to understand the impact of changes in key drivers and to test management decisions under different scenarios. Our scenario handler tool enables you to run, capture, and compare multiple scenarios.


Effective presentation of key information to stakeholders is an important element of a well designed model. We develop key output dashboards and reports to enable sharing of the model outputs with stakeholders.

Financial Modelling Case Studies

Case study


Demand Forecast Model

Case study

Agriculture, Food & Beverage

Dairy Plant Viability

See more Case Studies

Your Financial Modelling Experts

Our team of finance analysts are specialists in business intelligence and model development. They hold post-graduate degrees in fields including mathematics, engineering, finance, and economics. The ability to apply technical expertise with commercial acumen is a powerful combination.


Financial Model Demonstration

Campbell Kennett


Demystifying: The Circularity of Interest


Doing away with the annual company budget headache

Greg Norman